Magazine Covers in KS7 beta

Started by Speedster, July 31, 2017, 10:06:33 AM

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Magazine cover shots for a model train magazine, my fourth.  All in SolidWorks and KeyShot 7 beta.

Accurate metals with tweaked anodizing, massive tweaks using the awesome new HDR Editor, stacked bump maps and decals, and way too many IES, Point Light Diffuse and Emissive lights on the night scene!  My own backplates.  Very minimal DOF.

The night shot may be too dark to print on chrome-coat cover stock.

I really like the toon, but it would be a big stretch for the editor.  We'll see...  Backplate treated to a lot of love in FilterForge.

Bill G

Nils Piirma

You know it, the night shot, nailed.... Nicely done.


These are great Bill! Well done!


Thanks, guys!  And I must say, KeyShot 7 is a mind-blower!  I'm proud to have been a part of the beta testing program...

A test print of the night scene on my Epson 4880 printer, on glossy cover stock, proved it's a tad dark.  So I took it into Photoshop Elements for some love, using the Enhance > Lighting tools.  Now it prints great.

FYI- I often use Elements as my go-to for final print prep, as for some reason it has tools not available or easily used in the CS series.

Bill G


Looks great, Bill.
This time around, I think the day shot looks great. There's something moody and imminent about it. Like the train is going to be raided any minute...

Quote from: Speedster on July 31, 2017, 12:23:08 PM
Thanks, guys!  And I must say, KeyShot 7 is a mind-blower!  I'm proud to have been a part of the beta testing program...
And thank you for hammering us and the software like a boss.


Arian Shamil

Love them all,
The Sepia is lovely!
Great work