Left mouse stopped working for PAN around??

Started by rfollett, August 07, 2017, 05:28:09 AM

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Camera is NOT locked.. when I try to use LMB it does not work.. when in camera I cannot change the sliders on distance, Azimuth etc.. BUT I can change the distance manually say change it from 100 to 200.. but sliders dont work which link to the PAN/LMB not working...

This is driving me NUTS... Have I switched something on to stop this working? something on my keyboard??

each time I try to use LMB KS seem to lock up so I have to Right click, show all parts then left start working again...

I have tried 2 diffent mice which same results which make me think the mouse is not faulty...


Hmm, weird one.
So you can enter values manually, but not use the mouse or the sliders?

Btw, you can reset all KeyShot preferences by deleting keyshot6.xml in C:\Users\<yourname>\Documents\KeyShot 6.
Always make a backup copy first. :)



so I restarted my PC and opened KS as 1st program.. and all works ok now.

So that makes me think that something else was effecting KS? another program?

I know this all seems very stupid and very difficult to solve but any ideas would be much appricated...