Still unable to set scheduling for workers

Started by MrTomB, August 23, 2017, 01:12:01 AM

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I (admin) can set the scheduling and then hit save and it keeps it active until I have to close down the monitor. Then it loses the schedules

Morten Kristensen

The worker schedules are committed to the Manager after you save them, which means that the next time a worker requests a task it won't get any if it's inactive for that hour due to said schedule. However, if the worker is processing a task while you set the new schedule then it will first complete it. You can also abort the task so that another worker will retry it.

What exact version of NR are you using?




Currently on NR7.0.448. We set the schedule for a worker from one of the monitors that is on a workstation that is not the manager. Does it need to be done by the manager? The manual says it can be done by any admin from any worker. When I test it now, we change it with admin rights on a worker and when we shut the monitor down on the worker we used to change the schedule on and reopen, it has lost it

Thanks tom

Morten Kristensen

Hi Tom,

Any admin can set it, yes. We fixed and added some preset features in a later build. I'll PM you the latest download links that aren't public yet.



Hi Morten

Got it and playing with it now, looks good. Would like to be able to 'edit' the presets, rather than just add or delete them but this is much better and more workable for us. Still hoping for 'set to all cores on sign out. ;)

Thanks for this though


Morten Kristensen

Hi Tom,

That sounds great. Good idea with the edit functionality. It could also simply be a "Commit" button when selecting an existing preset for committing any changes to it.

The "Use all cores on sign out" has already been implemented in the 7.1 branch in the worker tray. :)
