Toon rendering as a general option in stead of a separate material

Started by Metin Seven, September 08, 2017, 12:31:56 AM

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Metin Seven


I'd love to see the toon rendering functions (at least the toon line functions) as a general set of options that can be activated in any material, in stead of isolated in a separate Toon material.

It would be great to be able to add subtle lines to my own custom shader, using toon lines with transparency and optional blend modes (Multiply, Screen, Soft Light, Average, etc.).

Many thanks in advance,



Metin Seven


You'll already find this in the KS cloud. Search for metal and toon.
And this solution should work on many material types.


The Toon Overlay materials in KeyShot Cloud (uploaded by "_bdesign_") will not work in KeyShot 7.
These materials were exploiting a bug in KeyShot 6, which since got fixed. This fix causes the Toon outline to not show anymore in KeyShot 7.



Metin Seven

Thanks, MWo, I'll have a look at the Keyshot cloud materials.


As Dries already posted. The KS6 material in the cloud do not work in KS7. I already gave it a try. Also tried to rebuilt a similar material in KS7 without any luck. All I got was a toon material as a label on a metal or paint or something else with a curvature texture in the opacity channel. But that didn't work very well. Perhaps an occlusion texture with inside option would do the right effect?!

(I can't upload my experiment material right now. I'm sitting on the airport in Hamburg waiting for the plane with a delay of 1,5 h)

Maybe you can share your tries?


Metin Seven

Hi Marco and Dries,

Ok, that's a pity. I'll have a try, although I'm not very familiar with the Material Graph's node types yet.




Quote from: Metin Seven on September 10, 2017, 10:51:39 AM
I'll have a try, although I'm not very familiar with the Material Graph's node types yet.



This is now a very good reason to start pushing the mat graph skills ;o)

Metin Seven