Camera Target and label placement

Started by mattjgerard, September 14, 2017, 06:15:42 AM

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OK, these may seem minor, but they are really kinda important from a useability standpoint-

1) When I am navigating around a scene and the rotation center isn't where I want it, I can right click on an object and set as the camera target so that object is now the pivot center of the camera. That part is fantastic.What isn't fantastic is that when I do that, it zooms the camera out for some reason. Would be really nice if nothing in the camera settings changed, if the camera stayed put and just changed the target. Not sure why the camera has to move when the camera target is changed.

and addendum to this, is take a look at the way C4D  does it ( I know you are probably getting sick of hearing that!) Whatever you click on is the camera target. If you click and drag to navigate on an object way in the background, it uses that as the pivot point. The next click you make is on a forground object, now the camera automagically uses that object as the rotate center. Its pretty slick.

2) The new label functionaility is a HUGE improvement over KS6. Labels no longer rotate randomly depending on how they were placed or positioned. But, one irritating thing. When using the "Move Texture" function to place, move and scale a label (which works GREAT by the way), if I want to click and move a label, wherever I click, the label centers itself to that point. In apps like photoshop, clicking on a layer doesn't move the layer to center on the coordinates you clicked, it just acts like a grab hand and allows you to scoot the label (layer) around. That's the way KS should act. Its the act of click-drag click-drag click-drag click-drag  to get the label into the right spot, whereas right now, you can click and drag once to get the label near where you want it, but as soon as you let go, if you click in another spot, it will shuffle it to there instead of just grabbing the label and allowing you to drag it jsut a little teensy bit. Hope that makes sense.

short version- don't center the label on where you click. I understand the click to place position function, but you on'y need to do that once, then you really need to be able to just grab the label and drag it around.

Will Gibbons

Both valid observations and suggestions.

On #2, if you haven't found it yet... click the 'position' button and the move widget will appear. This makes nudging/moving the label around much easier and avoids the 'click to position' functionality. Hope that helps.


Yeah, I have been using that and not sure why I forgot about it this morning. Must have been before my coffee :)

I guess I'm expecting that behavior to be in effect since I already clicked the "Move Texture" button in the label settings tab. Would be cool if that gizmo just appeared by default. But yeah, you are right, I totally blanked on that!