Tweaking HDRI/Enviroment = Stop working after certain time

Started by zooropa, September 25, 2017, 04:10:12 AM

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Hi. I am doing a project where I need to spend considerable amount of time tweaking my enviroment/hdri.
I have been experiencing after a few tweaks my KS stops responding to new changes. The viewport does not upgrade anymore and the 'pins' on the HDR editor start to behave strange.

Do anyone of you experienced this ? So far I need to close/open each time this happens.

Kind regards


Try to uninstall and re-install a fresh new version of the latest KeyShot.

Hope that helps



 :o that's no good. I have no run into this problem myself with KS7, are you using 7 or still 6?
6 and previous versions did tend to get slow at times when it had to load the environment. However, with 7, and pins/HDRI being embedded instead of a separate file, it has run incredibly fast. Perhaps your machine just needs a good ol restart?


Thanks both I will try to uninstall.
My machine is new. I will try to uninstall and re-install KS7.



Unfortunately after uninstalling and re-installing the HDRI editor and the render viewport stop being linked with each other...


We believe we have solved this issue - thank you for reporting it.

Stay tuned,