Multiple submissions

Started by Speedster, October 07, 2017, 02:39:42 PM

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Hi all;

I already posted my Lowrider Caddy for the contest.  But as I'm dumping a bunch of new ones into the pot I thought it best to put them together in one thread instead of hogging the forum with individual posts!

You have seen a few of these, but now they are all rendered to the required 16:9 ratio, and have a bunch of new materials and tricks.  Most were done in 7.1.36.  Most use the whole gamut of tools, like accurate metals, anodizing, physical lighting, mat graph, patterning, etc. Almost all were rendered to 256 samples, Interior Mode, on 30 cores.

"Down at the Depot" has eleven IES lights with a custom HDR used only for fill.  The "toon" version saw a lot of love in Photoshop and FilterForge.

"Fem" is a patterned DAZ figure, with anodized brass.

I have a huge design project starting Monday, so I thought it best to jam these, as I won't have much time available.

Good luck to all!  KeyShot 7 is awesome!  And I've been a KeyShooter since 2008!

Bill G