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interior render

Started by weise, April 14, 2011, 11:19:51 PM

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had a go at rendering an interior scene, the chair is my design, i just wanted to put it in a proper environment opposed to regular studio shots, the interior was downloaded from sketchup warehouse, alot of photoshop work was done to try and get a more stylised look.

any notes or tips are welcome as i havent rendered an interior before


That is a really great image!

The only thing I think might add to this is if you put a very subtle bump texture on the floor to breakup the perfect reflection just a little bit. Perhaps just loading the color texture as a bump texture and dialing down the height of the bump to a pretty low value would work nicely.


cheers, ill try that next time, ill model my own interior next time, to make the mapping a little easier


What I really like is the stark "in your face" drama and composition. Grabs your eye to the chair. Right out of a high-end interiors magazine.  Great work!
Bill G


Great work.
Are those trees in the model?  What warehouse building is this? Can you provide the link?



the trees and sky are done in photoshop, i can't remember specifically which model i used but if you search for barcelona pavilion in the google warehouse you will find many great models


Nice work for a first time interior. They will only get better from here.  ;)
While I do not know what look your trying to acheive, becareful it's starting to lose the realizm look.
Thanks for sharing.


I must say, I really don't know what I was thinking yesterday. This image really does look nice. It has a great stylish feel to it.
But, it is a fine line we mess with when trying to add a style. We sometimes can loose it when playing.
Not in this case though.
That's all I'm trying to say.
OK i'm done


cheers tim, yes it is a fine line, i always try for a more stylised look with my renders, much like hdr photography, find its ads a unique touch rather than a generic render

Gordon Lardi

you really touched a nerve here, great job


Very nice, good work - and good choice of building with Windows all round for KeyShot.  I have been trying to do slightly more conventional interiors - single window in a wall type things, and really struggling to get anything decent.