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Landrover Exterior

Started by Paul Lang, February 03, 2018, 03:07:29 PM

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Paul Lang

Here is another heavy scene, all physical geometry and completely assembled in Keyshot. Man would a proper in scatter/instancing feature be a god cent. Displacement mapping would be a big plus too


how did you create the hedges and grass?


Very cool. Displacement mapping is coming in v8 (already working in our dev builds).
How would  you like the scatter / instancing to work? I assume you know of the pattern tool for copying

Paul Lang

First comment re: How did I...  The hedges are model download from Turbosquid, textured and manually placed. The grass is also a purchased model, a 3'X3' patch. The pattern tool was used to make a larger patch then placed as needed. The patter tool makes a repeating pattern so a bit of Photshop to remove that.

Second Comment re: How would I like to see scatter/instancing work... The patter tool is great for just that making unified repeating patters with a single object however it lack the finer controls for randomization like Trees and Grass. It also lack the ability to instance on assigned objects. i.e scatter grass, tree, plants on a terrain with contours. Applying fur, hair and many other instances to specific objects. I know Keyshot was initially designed for product specific work but as you can probably see, Keyshot users are pushing the boundaries. It is such a powerful program but lacks a few features that would in my opinion put it ahead of renders like Maxwell, Vray and Octane just to mention a few.

Will Gibbons

Another great shot! Glad you're sharing your work here. I've seen it on your site before. Ver nice.