Trouble With Depth Pass , How can i convert 32 bit to 16 bit sequence

Started by khoadang611, June 09, 2018, 09:53:47 PM

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 How can i convert all the sequence from 32bit to 16 bit

How can i convert all the sequence from 32bit to 16 bit
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How can i convert all the sequence from 32bit to 16 bit
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Hi guys ,
I have rendered the Zdepth map and see the tutorial for convert 32bit image to 16 bit.
This tutorial is only for 1 image and work with Photoshop
But what if we render it with animation . It will be 100 sequence picture. How can i convert all the sequence to 16 bit to use ....
So may i ask you what is the way or software we can use to convert it . I prefer to After effect or Premiere ...


I have to guess the steps you're using in Photoshop, 'cause the video doesn't run.

If you follow a straight workflow to convert files in Photoshop, you can create these as an action (automated process). This action can process all the files (frames of your animation) like a batch routine.

Hope that helps to find the right track.
