Alembic animation material flickering

Started by mattjgerard, July 05, 2018, 08:29:02 AM

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I have created a cutaway animation in CInema using boolean objects and exported it as an alembic (.abc) file. Imported into KS7 and textured. There is something going on with the materials that I can't quite figure out. In the first image, the black inner surface of where the clear front window meets the yellow shell is correct. In the next frame, the black turns grey. 10-12 frames later, it turns black again. In the KS file this is frame 13 and 14.

The other anomaly is the green color/reflection of the PCB board. In the first frame it is the correct green color. In the next frame it lightens as if the reflectivity or Refractive index changes, then a couple frame later it returns to the proper green material. It does this several times during the sequence. This is frame 30 (correct), 31(incorrect) and 32(correct again) 33(incorrect) 34(correct again).

I have eliminated Lighting or environment from the equation by removing the green LED's and using a flat white HDRI. The lighting settings are default Product, I tried New Product mode too and still happens.

Only thing I can come up with is that the geometry is changing between each frame of the alembic animation, and that is causing the materials/lighting to react differently.  I have gone back to the Cinema file and changed the timing of the animation just to see if that changed anything, but didn't have any effect. Here is the link to the project file-!AgcdhMAqF6Q3ga4Ip8n9hTonutZVwg