Migration assistant

Started by Eric Summers, November 07, 2018, 07:52:14 AM

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Eric Summers

I could've sworn I saw a thread about this, but I searched to no avail. Is it possible to run the migration assistant after KS8 is installed? KS8 was installed on a machine by IT so I didn't get the chance to transfer my settings from 7. I'd prefer to not have to re-install just to run the assistant if possible.


Delete your XML file with KeyShot closed and the Migration Assistant will be launched when opening the app.

Eric Summers

Thanks Rex!

At first it didn't work, turns out it was the XML file in the Public Documents folder not in the "my username" Documents folder. I'm not used to dealing with the Public folders. Would changing it to my documents folder require a re-install?


Yes, you will have to run the full installer as this path is defined upon installation by selecting between install just for me vs for everyone.

Eric Summers