Cannot add multiple files for Tiled UV

Started by leovitalis, October 19, 2018, 02:28:03 AM

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I have an obj exported from zbrush with multiple udims. I am trying to assign multiple texture maps using the Tiled UV feature. But it only assigns one texture at a time, and keeps replacing the previous one once I add a new one. The textures are applied to the model in correct spots, so the naming is correct. But I still tried to rename the textures using the suggested naming conventions, with the same result. Only one texture file is applied at a time.

Keyshot version 8.0.247


Hi Leo,

The example file that I have works fine in 8.0.247 so I suspect it's in the naming.

The files I have are named xx_u1_v1.tiff, xx_u1_v2.tiff, xx_u2_v1.tiff, xx_u2_v2.tiff, xx_u1_v3.tiff

Have you tried a convention like this?


Hi Rex,

Thank you for your reply.

Yes, I've tried this naming scheme. I even converted files to tiffs just to be sure. Same exact behavior.


Ok try this:

xx.1001.tiff, xx.1002.tiff, xx.1011.tiff, xx.1012.tiff etc.

I think maybe you're just missing a period?


Ok, can you send me the scene and textures? via



Damn, I feel stupid. The name before the udim number should have been the same for all files. Instead I had Face_1001, Torso_1002, Legs_1003, etc. Made the names the same, and now it works. Thanks a lot for the help!