Move the Move Tool?

Started by MarkAB, October 25, 2018, 11:42:01 AM

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Is there a way to reposition the move tool when it's open?

Sometimes when I zoom in very close to a part that I want to move, the Move Tool goes off screen and I have to zoom out to be able to see/use it. This makes it a little more difficult when trying to very accurately reposition a part. I know I can directly input coordinates to be super accurate, but I'd like to be able to use the move tool if I can.


Good point, I have run into this on a rare occasion as well. I am always a fan of the hotkey approach in Blender where you hit G (grab) and move your mouse, and it will move without having to hold the gizmo (locking the axis by hitting X,Y,Z immediately afterward). You can also set it to continue past the window, so if I need to move something a good distance, I am not limited to small and numerous movements, I can move it continuously.

This would be a good upgrade in the geometry view.


Yes! I'll +1 this also.
As I just get done meticulously placing a hydraulic system in a truck trying to align bolts and holes and hose connections.

Although, now that I'm thinking about it, can you use the pick item thing to pick an item closer to where you want to zoom in and just disable the rotation and base your translation off that item?