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Started by alensimon, June 20, 2019, 05:13:10 PM

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SinuPulse Advanced Nasal Irrigation System


Yes, more real life projects! Very classic photo style, nice job. I really like the darkness in that water reservoir, almost looks backlit.
If you allow me to suggest some improvements on the render...
The whites seem a bit too bright, are you using full white on the diffuse color of these materials? I tend to stay around 85%-90% brightness to avoid blown highlights.
The reflected softbox in the bottom right corner is something you can probably remove in photoshop, it's a bit distracting.
Was it the client that requested those big logos on the product?


Actuallly, there's water inside the water reservoir (That was my intention  :)) you could see some distortion going on with the plastic tips. I did these renderings for my website back in 2011 ( and I was fine with the whites but the client was very picky with whites and also the logo had to be that large. I worked on this product in 2006 and it was introduced in the market in 2008. So far, they have sold about 1.5 million of these which is not bad at all!
Thanks for your feedback and suggestions!


Hi Alen, welcome! Thanks for sharing some of your work from then - looks great and cool to hear a little back story on it. Looking forward to seeing more.