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Started by Jet3D, May 22, 2019, 11:23:39 AM

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These are concept renders of an experiment that I am building in my loft.
These were used to convey to others, what I was trying to achieve.
They were crucial in getting test parts made and reducing costs of the 80 cm build as well as the design registration process.

I tried a few rendering solutions but, always returned to Keyshot for its speed, ease of use and great results.

Regards, Jet


Could have sworn that was a transport module of a hanger bay on a concept ship :) Really cool.


Those are beautiful! Thanks for sharing!


Thanks DMerz. My wife is not so keen about the room that the physical counterpart takes up lol.


 ;D I know the feeling


Quote from: Jet3D on May 22, 2019, 11:23:39 AM
These are concept renders of an experiment that I am building in my loft.
Err.. what does it do...?


Lol - GREAT question.

It eats money and time to start with.

Honestly, I am not sure until I finish the build and start it up.
The X is for experiment and this is what the whole thing is about.

It is a combination of a few approaches and theories of greater men than myself.
Tesla, Alexi, Heavyside and Brown.

The build consists of two counter rotating discs that have 12 N52 large magnets that are set against each other at opposite polarities. It is my reasoning that as these discs spin up, as the magnets pass each other and are then met by the aluminium space between magnets, it will generate a pulse in the growing magnetic field. (Due to the properties of aluminium being dielectric).
This is the magnetic part...

Meanwhile, both array of magnets pass under and above two large copper coils, generating a large electrostatic charge that is fed into the chassis / outer body.
Both upper and lower halves of the build are insulated from each other and act as capacitors. The upper being positively charged and the lower having a negative field.

As the opposing motors start up, they are independently controlled via remote and can reach speeds of 60 000 rpm. By varying the speeds, an imbalance can be set up in the electrostatic charges. (Brown was working on this). The faster the discs, the higher frequency / compression of the pulses and the higher the electrostatic charges / ionisation.

Anyway.... I believe that the combination of pulsing magnetic fields and the interplay of imbalanced electrostatics may produce some measurable effects.

If nothing else, I tried something for possible the benefit of everyone. 

I hope this helps, Jet 


Are you trying to become Iron Man?  lol
Looks cool, and neat that you included an explanation of what you're hoping to achieve.