Question on importing BIP to Model set

Started by michelle.k28, July 18, 2019, 02:11:04 AM

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When I import a BIP file that I've exported from Cinema (or any other bip I have) KS will place an instance of that file into each of the model sets that are active. Is there a way to direct KS to place a single instance of that file into only one model set other than unchecking all the model sets except for one?

I have a library of parts that I routinely import into my scenes, and I am using model sets more and more rather than groups for top level organizing, and this is a bit of a pain when I have to either uncheck all the model sets (might be dozens) or go back to all the active model sets and delete the object from all the model sets that I forgot to uncheck.

Missing something? I'm happy to admit operator error  :D


Nope, that's what happens. The fix is to turn off the model sets you don't want it to appear in, then import. Its a pain, but right now that's it. This has been reported as a problem for a while, so hopefully they have some sort of fix for it or change of behavior in KS9. I asked them to add an option to the import scene model set selection drop down as "Selected" so that if you have a model set highlighted by clicking on it it would only import to that model set. This behavior also happens when using the EDIT>ADD GEOMETRY option, but without the option to ask where to put it, so it puts a copy of the object into all model sets which is just silly.


KeyShot will import or add geometry to all visible model sets. An active model set means only one visible (if you double click on one model set),
So for better control, double click one model set, import the file(s). Then RMB on the new content (or some parts selected) and use copy to model set and chose the other wanted model set (or sets if you repeat this step).

Hope that helps - for me it's not a bug.
