Solid Object Not Appearing in Fade Animation

Started by evo, May 25, 2020, 12:33:05 AM

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I am trying to make an animation that makes a portion of my object disappear in a linear fashion. I am using a color gradient combined with the color fade node to create a fading effect that makes the object look like it is disappearing from top to bottom. My issue is that when the object is fading, the inside appears to be hollow. I would like the entire object to be solid during the fade effect. Is there a way to fade an object so that it appears as a solid object without the hollow portion showing? I have included two pictures to show what I mean.


Instead of using color gradient combined with the color fade node try using the Cutaway material. Using your example of the cylinder, place a cube above it and set the cube's material to Cutaway. In the Cutaway properties, choose Inherit Caps (or color or material, depending on the look you want) to ensure that your object (the cylinder in this case) remains looking solid. Animate the cube using a translation animation on the Y axis to move from the top of the cylinder to the bottom of the cylinder. When the cube intersects the cylinder, the cylinder will begin to disappear but will remain looking solid because because Inherit Caps (or color or material) is turned on.