Can't quite get the right metal reflection

Started by Yabusa, February 04, 2020, 05:32:00 PM

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I'm trying to recreate this metal piece, but can't quite seem to get even close.
I tried Anisotropic, Steel turned (with fine bump height and width), Steel Brushed, but nothing is giving off the same effect.
Any suggestions?


Can you post the results of some of your attempts? Its good to know what you've tried and how they turned out. Remember that metals are very much impacted byt he environment and reflections. So much so that when I'm trying to fine tune a metal, I spend just as much time on the lighting as I do on the material itself.

Also use multimaterials for saving versions without losing anything. Great way to experiment.


Here's a great tutorial from Will Gibbons for the exact type of metal you have.

Will Gibbons

Thanks for the shout! @sleby :)

I was just going to comment to the OP that these are anisotropic reflections and that they'll have better luck using an approach that's outlined in my video linked up by Sleby.

What matt said is also 100% correct.
