Fuzz Output Limited Error

Started by Artbot, February 28, 2020, 08:25:59 AM

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I'm just starting to experiment with FUZZ. A brand new project-not complex geometry (under 8,500points-in this case, but happens every test) coming over from ZBrush Bridge. I don't care at all about the material coming out of ZBrush, so I'm not holding down with Option key to apply the Fuzz texture.
-I just want to play with fuzz.
But I'm getting this error:  Geometry shader 'Fuzz' output limited on instance 'ZBrush_0_UMesh_PM3D_Cylinder3D_1_218308CF' in material Plastic Towel Coarse Green Fuzz
Also the error comes in a small window where I cannot read the whole message. I have to copy it out and read it in a text program. TYhat seems odd since the dialog box doesn't have to be small as there is plenty of room to display it.
Mac OS Catalina • 10.15.3 RAM 192 GB


Just checking in. Can I be the only one with this as an issue? It has happened to me each time I try to use Fuzz?


Sounds like you have plenty of RAM!

But unfortunately, I haven't come across this error myself. (not a ZBrush user, either) Not much, help, but wanted to let you know other people are reading! Maybe not equipped to help.

Have you tried putting in a ticket at help.keyshot.com ?


Thanks, I'm surprised, but I guess I will have to put in a ticket. The message happen every time, even if I apply Fuzz to a cube (or even a plane)
that I import as a primitive directly from Keyshot.
I get a very small dialog box that doesn't fit the whole warning "Fuzz" output limited on instance.... I will probably have to do a reinstall if it's only me.



We added a limiting parameter to Fuzz similar to max triangle count for displacement in order to prevent extreme curve counts. It is not an error as such, but a warning that the parameters you have specified for Fuzz would cause the generated number of curves to exceed the limit set on the 'Max Curves' parameter on Fuzz. In the presence of textures the limit may not be completely accurate.

Hope this helps,


Thank you for getting back to me. Since I am getting these warnings out of the gate before I change any of the parameters, and since I am in the experimentation stage where I just want to see what kind of results I can achieve with these new fuzz features, would you please list some settings/parameters  here that I can enter before I click the apply button to avoid these warnings in the future?
I'm wondering since I just got this new ton of RAM, if I could set something in preferences as well that could alter the overall memory settings to override this warning?


You need to increase the Max Curves value on the Fuzz node. The number of curves depends quite sensitively on the scale of your object and the Density of the curves. If you set Max Curves to 200 you will be capped at 200 million curves which should put a bit strain on your memory :-).
