MDF doors with grooved patterns

Started by MariuszTelega, June 29, 2020, 03:04:17 AM

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I would like to ask if any of you has experience with creating in KS grooved patterns which we use for children furniture.  I attached picture how it looks in real but I would like to make it in KS instead of taking the pictures.  I was thinking of using KS labels somehow but I can not get this grooved effect.  I tried to put vectors as labels and tried different options but it would not work.  Maybe you could help me with your ideas ? 


Quote from: MariuszTelega on June 29, 2020, 03:04:17 AM
I would like to ask if any of you has experience with creating in KS grooved patterns which we use for children furniture.  I attached picture how it looks in real but I would like to make it in KS instead of taking the pictures.  I was thinking of using KS labels somehow but I can not get this grooved effect.  I tried to put vectors as labels and tried different options but it would not work.  Maybe you could help me with your ideas ?
Maybe just try a bump map.


yes bump is ok but first quastion is:  When I have flat MDF doors imorted to Keyshot how to create these images on the door ? I could do it in CAD because it is possible but I have 100 grooved patterns in our offer and it is not possible to create this each time in CAD to much time.  Maybe there is another opiton - such as vectors which I could  put on the doors in KS and somehow give them grooved effect.  This gives me a headache how to create this images in KS ?


Do you have this patterns in vector files?


yes please see the files


hello Mariusz,

you can do this by using a displacement map!
your vector graphic needs to be treated a bit (in Photoshop i.e.) so that the artwork has a gradient to it, which would create that sort of rounded groove like shown in the picture. if you use the artwork, the way it currently is, it will create a squarish kind of groove. you also have to thicken the lines a bit.

if you have further question, you can also PM me ...



hello designgestalt - this looks just great.  if this is not a problem for you I would like to ask you some quastions regarding this subject.  1/ how did you drag hase into KS.  Did you drag it directlly into material graf and then used displacement map ?  I am using this Pro9 verison not to long so some things are very new and you can not find it in youtube.  I was trying to this by draging hase into KS as label before and I could see this hase as label.  In your version I can find hase.png only on this graf material connected to displacement map ?  Is it possible you would add photoshop file so I could see how you did with hase.  Thanks again for this great help.


I found good KS webinar about displacement.  I understand how it works now and it is really working great for this grooving elements.  This was very good idea designgestalt and thanks again.  I have over 100 of these patterns so I am getting to work.


I would be greatfull designgestalt if you could pass me this vector artwork  file you have created.  I have some effects but not as good as yours.  Thanks.


hello Mariusz,
sorry for not coming back any earlier, I did not check the forum in the last couple of days...

unfortunately I did not keep the individual files, all I have is in the .ksp.

here is what I did:

I opened your pdf in Illustrator and copied one of the artworks (in this case "Hase") to a new sheet. I thickened the lines of the artwork and than copied the vector graphic to Photoshop. In Photoshop I feathered the artwork using a Blur filter (try the different Blur filters for different effects, I guess I used the Box Blur...)
one important thing to do is: invert the color in the end! your artwork needs to be white against a transparent background. you have to export the png with a transparent background.
I am not sure, if this is a bug or how the displacement works in KS, but an artwork black against transparent background does not work!

in KS I used the blured png of Hase as a displacement map, like you can see in the .ksp file.
you have to play with the blur effect in Photoshop to recive a satisfying result in KS, unfortunately you cannot blur the artwork in KS directly to recive that domed effect...

hope that helps ...!!



I used your idea and the effects are really good for my projects.  Thanks and I put the rendering with displacement to show the effect.