Interior wall blotchy

Started by jet1990, July 07, 2020, 03:20:04 AM

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Hi All,

I've been using keyshot for almost 10 years now and love the progress it has made over the years, especially with interior scenes. One thing that has always bugged me is the quality of wall renders that i could never match with programs such as Vray or corona.

below is a recent image i produced. Interior lighting settings applied.
No matter how much i crank up the settings/ final render samples, interior walls and ceilings always seem to have blotchy shadows.

At this point im not sure if im missing something in my workflows or not.

All materials have atleast 20 samples. ive switched between diffuse and materials with a slight roughness and they all yield relatively the same thing.

I always set my renders to either max samples or max time. Should i be using advance render settings instead?

P.s the grey back board and bed frame are supposed to be a suede like material hence the obvious blotchiness in them.
Render settings:
750 samples
interior mode on
all materials have atleast 20samples in roughness
shadow quality 4
self shadows on
raybounces & GI set to 16



Jet1990, check if your CAUSTICS is turned off