Automatically center the model in shift lens

Started by Higuchi, October 23, 2020, 03:29:45 AM

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Hi Administrators,

I'm looking for the new function which can automatically center the model in shift lens!
We have to always adjust the number depending on the eyesight each time. I guess it is easy for you to upgrade, since we can already adjust the model automatically only in normal type camera by the short cut key: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Right-Click.

Thank you,


It's called a Truck Shift.

It would be complicated to be based on your model though. You'd have to specify which model, it would then have to create a bounding box to understand the total size of the model and use the center of that imaginary box to shift from.
You can have multiple models at once, and your camera has no idea which model you want to look at.
More simply, you can do some math to figure out how much to move the camera based on the camera's target, but that'd be it. And that's how it works in Vray's physical camera. Blender has the same issue, but a few people have made add-ons to do this. I snagged one that does the shift based on where your mouse is located on a model, which is pretty awesome for visually picking what you want, however that method is Not very repeatable. The math isn't terribly difficult though, so as long as you are being consistent with your camera target actually being in the middle of your object, then it will work. But yes, it would be handier to have that as a tool. Someone already has the math too, because when you hit the "guess" button, it Does that, only often it is Way too much.


I vagly remember having one on the old board. Im in for it, just have to find someone that will keep up with it. Usually not having someone dedicated is what does these threads in.