How to access KS 3.0.93 update?

Started by Speedster, December 28, 2011, 08:02:17 AM

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I'm seeing references to the KS 3.0.93 update.  I'm using 3.0.90, and when I ask it to check for updates, it says there are none.  I cannot find it on the website, nor access anything here on the forum.  I get
QuoteAn Error Has Occurred!
The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you. 
even though I'm signed in.

I am having a lot of problems with 3.0.90, the SolidWorks plug-ins, and even KS2 won't work now after I installed the SolidWorks plug in.  KS2 now opens to a black screen either from raw or from the plug in.

In KS3, the main problem now is that the model (and actually the entire scene including environment) is "traveling" from top to bottom.  The fps is rapidly fluttering between 650 and 950.  This regardless of using the plug-in, DnD or command import.  Over the past week I uninstalled and did clean installs of KS3 twice.  All seemed OK, until this AM.  Nothing's changed, all other apps run fine, no virus hits, etc.  Win7x64, 16 gigs, 8 cpu's.


Bill G


Hi Speedster,

3.0.93 is available the links below:

Update installers:

Windows 32 bit:

Windows 64 bit:


BTW, I had received a mail about bug fix for HDR Light Studio Live for KeyShot plug-in from Lightmap Store.
They say that 3.0.92 is OK.
I don't know why KeyShooters have not yet announced about it...


Thanks, Koysen!  I'll give it a try.  A queried Mark at LightStudio, and he said it was to do with opening existing KS2 files and then trying to create or modify HDR-LS environments.  I've not had any problems yet.
Bill G


Just an update that all of my problems above are fixed, thanks to Chad and the Luxion Team.  Believe it or not, there was something squirrley with my Space Navigator, and the issues were fixed when I unplugged it.  I seldom use it anyway.  Thanks, Chad!
Bill G

Chad Holton


Keyshot 3 (ver 3.0.93) still crashes while using HDRI Light Studio. Yes it is a bit more stable but it still crashes.  :(


I think its crashed about 3 times in the last hour or so. I am tweeking the lighting in my scene. I render my HDRI from hdri light studio and then I render in KS and I go back to try and tweek the hdri in hdri light studio and keyshot crashes before even opening the hdri light studio plugin.

I haven't crashed keyshot while moving lights around in the hdri light studio canvas since the newest KS update, but I have already crashed keyshot 3 (ver 3.0.93) a bunch of times simply by doing what I mentioned above.  ::)


A new version of KeyShot 3 got released today that should fix any remaining issues between KeyShot 3 and HDR Light Studio - 3.0.96. Please let me know directly if you experience any more problems:

I will correct our web site because I think this is the first stable version to use with HDR Light Studio, not 3.0.92 as I thought.