My KS won't import from SketchUp please help

Started by selphincy, December 25, 2013, 08:15:56 AM

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Hi! I'm very new to both SU and KS. I've seen a lot of software but i think KS is the best one.
I've a problem that my KS won't import any data from SU.
I'm using MAC and I've tried to unchecked the importers > use new importers (beta) but still it won't import.
I've checked another topic about the same error but i don't understand. Could you please help me?

This is my specification
Sketch-up 8 Pro
Keyshot 2.1 Pro 64 bit
Mac OS 10.6.8

And i've attached an image about my problem.
Thank you very much for helping me


You are running a very old version of KeyShot. Please upgrade to the latest version and try again.


OK, I'll try to upgrade that into a newer version. Hopefully i can start to work with keyshot.
Thank you very much for you help