randomly changing brightness

Started by sean_designer, April 14, 2011, 12:25:02 AM

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I'm having an issue that after i've processed a render (using either normal render or realtime render) the brightness of the model sometimes changes and causes the image to appear washed out.  However when i check the brightness and gamma settings nothing has changed.  This issue happens across all of the computers in our office.  It's becoming a common problem.  The only way we can resolve it is to make sure we've saved the model before the first render, then closing and reopening keyshot after every rendered image.

We're running 2 floating licenses of version 2.2.52, on dual core 32bit 4gb ram machines.

Is anyone else having/had this problem?  Is it a known issue?




Ditto!  Had the same thing happen this past weekend. I had to render out 5 concepts, and set-them all up in the same environment.  With each render it seemed that the environment stepped up in brightness (possibly the model as well).  I noticed that if I just reloaded the same environment, it return to it's previous levels.  LIke Sean, I went and checked the brightness and gamma in both the realtime and environment settings.  I kept thinking that maybe there was a hot key, like the arrow keys, that I was hitting by mistake.  But the brightness and gamma levels still had the same numeric values as before.



The same... Not sure whether it's brightness, or environment rotation, or something else... but it is uncontrolled and forces me to reopen the file everytime. Have you figured this out? I also posted something new under HDRI section.


Again, please provide us with an example.


Having same issue here.  Mac - version 3.2.32  :(
