Rendering stops and will not finish

Started by Nerowulf, June 01, 2010, 11:30:01 AM

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Hello KeyShot users and staff  :D

I tried to render a model. But I couldn't get it to complete.

You can see three squares that's on the picture. These doesn't disappear.

What is the problem? Can I do anything to prevent this to happening in the future?



I don't remember exactly. But I basically pushed one up on most of them, except for two options (AA and GIQ I think), that I let stay on standard. So, my settings was really low.

Thought I think I checked the "High Quality Texture Filltering". That was the reason for it to take so long time.


Hmm ... not sure - but you don't think you have a texture in there?


Sorry, I'm a bit new to software like this. So I'm not quite sure what you ask for.

All the materials that I used is from the Keyshot library. The red colour is metal with red paint. Other then that, everything is standard.


When you unchecked High Quality Texture Filtering it worked much faster?


Yes. Did another one now, with it unchecked. And it took 10 minutes (versus 4 hours). Everything was fine.

Robert V.

If I may ask, what does "High Quality Texture Filtering" do (or on what does it have effect?)

I guess it's not smart to enable this if one does not have a texture on their model at all.

(ps, I know that enabling this has only small effect, but it's there for a reason...not?)


From the manual:

High Quality Texture Filtering: Check when rendering textured materials that have been created with the General Material. It will result in sharper textures. It is usually not needed.

Robert V.


With early versions of Hypershot you could only apply a texture with the General Material. With Keyshot you can apply textures with most materials, but the same advice still applies, if you aren't using textures don't check the high quality texture filter option.

Robert V.

ok, thanks. So whenever there is a texture in the model (doesn't matter on which material it's applied to) it's not a bad thing to enable this...


Not necessarily, I think the objective of the HQT filter option is to sharpen up textures which appear soft. If you apply a wood texture to a table top and you view it at a low angle the texture may appear soft or blurred because of the angle of view, so the HQT filter should help, but if you are happy with how your textures appear then you probably don't need to use it.