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architecture render test

Started by Ramy, July 02, 2012, 09:54:11 AM

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it is my first test to see if keyshot can handle an architecture render.......well the result is not bad at all as a first test (not to mention i was in a hurry so i didn't chumfer any corner  :o ) but i believe it can do much better
your advices are welcome
Hope you like it :)


Thanks for sharing!  KeyShot is excellent with exteriors, and also with interiors if you can chop out walls or ceilings to allow light access to the interiors.  However, you will have some issues with lighting "orthographic" projections as you have shown here.  It's often difficult to get the HDRI dome to behave the way you want.  Try not using ortho, but instead a very high focal length on the camera setting tab.  Try like 500 or so to start.  You can often live with the very slight perspective that results.

Hopefully one of the KS team can give us all some additional advice on ortho projection lighting.

Bill G


tnx for the replay Bill G
yes i agree with u controlling HDRI dome is difficult in Ortho mode :S i'll try to render using a very high focal length thanx for the tip :)
did u test keyshot for architecture render before ??? if u did i will be glad to see what result u achieved (if u r in a sharing mode of course :D )
sorry for the bad english :P


Not exterior, only interiors.  But others on the forum do- search a bit, and hopefully someone will chip in with advice.
Bill G