KS4 - Model Units Issues

Started by ukindler, March 06, 2013, 12:18:43 PM

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we have some trouble in KS4 with model units. We use "Keep Original" if we import models. According to the manual that means:
QuoteWhen "Keep Original" size is enabled the magnitude and unit of the model, as established in the modeling software, is read and applied to the scene
The model unit is Millimeter.

The first issue is, that with millimeters almost all size related sliders are useless (i.e. in environment tab) because their maximum values are too small (i.e. 100 mm for the size slider). So the slider ranges are not properly adapted to the model units.

The second, and more serious issue is, that the camera depth of field settings are not properly adjusted to the model unit (i.e. millimeters). If I select F-stop 1 and move close to the object and focus, than I can see no depth of field. The attached picture KS4_DepthOfFieldIssue_millimeters.jpg shows this problem. I focused the nut right beside the D-sub connector. The model unit is millimeters here. With a focus distance of 57 mm and a F-stop value of 1 I would expect a strong depth of field  - at least with a real camera with F-stop 1,8 I see it at this focus distance.

To check the problem, I changed the model units via Edit -> Set Model Units to meters. This does not change the model. To have the same model size like before I now scaled the model by 0,001. Then I tried almost the same focus settings. The second picture KS4_DepthOfFieldIssue_meters.jpg shows the settings. Focus distance is 0,096 meters (so almost the same like the 57 mm before) but the F-stop is quite high with a value of 20. With a value of 20 I would not expect to see a strong depth of field effect.

So I would like to know if I or KS does something wrong here?

Thank you


We are looking into the adjustment of the slider according to the model scale.

Not sure about DOF. We will investigate and let you know.