more questions

Started by ArtistBob, February 04, 2013, 08:42:10 AM

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Hello everybody;

I have some more general procedural questions in my quest to understand KeyShot in specific tasks, in no particular order of importance.
1. When creating or using the different shapes (plane, sphere, etc.) Is there a way or how to I determine the shape size of the object I'm making (inches, feet etc.) And can that be controlled in any way i.e. -making or change any given size of object used. Also it seems like the shape size appears to change visually anyway with the change of environments screens used(mostly outdoor settings) for instance, when in the environment (maybe the Iceland scene) while moving the object around, left, right, near, far -the object seems to change in size - any way to change or prevent that? I noticed if you take the same object from the Iceland scene and use a indoor scene, perhaps on a tabletop it changes size somewhat.
2. In that same category, is it possible to change this object size without changing any environment size so that you would be keeping any environment stationary but changing the object size(further or closer). Also it would be nice if you could move the object around (rotate etc.) without having the environment move with it.
3. In a different subject (rendering) after queuing files,say three of them, and after the first file has been rendered and it's working on the second file - if you stop the process will the first file that has already been rendered still be saved ? I have some more questions but these are the only time I have for.

Thank you for your time and guidance,

ArtistBob . . . Over


KeyShot 4 (to be released shortly) will work with units, and it will allow both 1 & 2. Yes to 3.