KeyShot 2 crashes and leaves a fat empty BIP

Started by sdesaulles, June 23, 2010, 04:52:37 PM

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Hi, Is anyone else necountering the issue where KS2 (on Win7 64 bit in this instance) crashes and leaves a fat empty BIP file behind?  Like 50 - 100 Mb but contains nothing when opened.  Basically has deleted whatever content was there.

Would be interested to know if I really am encountering a unique series of crashes.




It certainly would have helped if you had described the steps that lead to the crash. But I figured it out. Since the other posts don't really add anything I will delete them.

Here is what is happening:

After importing a model, delete a part. Then save the scene. KeyShot will try to save, but then crashes. Thus you end up with a bip file that is incomplete. Adding to the render queue has the same effect, as it also saves the scene.

We will of course address this. For now try hiding the part, rather than deleting it.

I hope this helps.



Thanks Thomas.  I was hoping the posts you removed might give clues as to what was happening from the crash reports, but perhaps not. 

Perhaps the thing to add that others may find useful is that Hiding the part did not resolve the issue but that apparently using the old importers rather than the new ones does.

From your mail:
go to "Preferences", and uncheck "Use new Importers" under Importers. This will use the old importers for STEP and IGES.

