Imported animation issues - SO CLOSE!!!

Started by leachface, March 21, 2013, 12:11:15 PM

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I've been having issues importing an animation from 3ds Max 2013 into KeyShot 4.0.74. I baked an animation that has some geometry parented to a bone system - it's not a skin so there is no deformation and I didn't import the rig or IK handles. The parts of my model come in to KeyShot as if they were exploded or offset from their original placement. The motion is correct but just not in the right place. Is this due to the fact that some geometry was originally parented to a rig? It works when imported to Showcase 2013 and there isn't any bones upon importing to 3ds max. Too complex for KeyShot? I've attached the FBX file if anyone can take a look at it. Please and thank you. 
