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Testing the limits

Started by Speedster, August 23, 2013, 04:44:52 PM

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Not a "big deal" render.  I've been testing the limits of my box (soon to be a BOXX) and figured this would do the job.

SolidWorks, KeyShot Pro 4.1, CS5 and FilterForge.  Backplate heavily comped images from CGTextures.   Train, power overhead poles and wires CAD. 

60,742,123 polys.  The .bip is 4.48 GB.  DnD import with beta unchecked (crashes if checked) took about 3 1/2 hours.  I've had trouble before with imports, as have others, and discovered you just have to be patient and let it chug along.  Checks of Task Master said KS was running, so I left it alone.  When running, I was using 14.8 GB of my available 16 GB of RAM.  8 cpu's running @ 100%.

But I kinda like the look!  I call it "Last Run", set about 1968 or so.

Bill G


That's a real computer killer scene ... If it took over three hours to import it in, what was the render time like ? I have done one scene with over 50 million polys and the render time was still pretty good, less than your import time in fact. Your result was worth the wait though



Hi Martin-  Actually the render time was normal for me.  About 8 minutes for the 3000 wide render on 8 cpu's.  This gave me some real clues.  My computer is six years old, and although very hot and fast, my drives are jammed up.  (sounds like a TV commercial)  My 160 GB C drive has about 12 GB available, and its all apps, no assets, so I can't really free stuff up.  I could put in a large SSD, but y thinking now is a new 16 core BOXX, with 32 GB of RAM and SSD drives.  Still mulling it over...
Bill G

Chad Holton

I like the look too, Bill. Your potentially future machine sounds very awesome.  8)


I bought a BOXX system a year and a half ago, best system I've ever owned. Amazing customer support!

Still seems like a fast system to me even with all my software and files jammed on it. I'll definitely get a new one from them next year once this lease is up!! Maybe make this BOXX part of a SIM racing rig I've been wanting to build.


Took a different approach with this shot.  Pretty much raw KeyShot, with added foliage.  Also posting the full size 3000 render.
Bill G


Looks great. Let me know if you need someone to talk to at Boxx.