Animation Question

Started by LiteHold, December 06, 2013, 04:45:49 PM

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Hello gents,

I recently purchased the animation add on in the sale this week and have a question.

What is the best way for me to render out animations efficiently? Doing it myself isn't really an option due to the time it takes on my basic computer. I've read a little about 'network rendering' & 'render farms' but I'm struggling to fully understand it.

Am I right in saying Network Rendering uses additional computers to help render the file? For example if I had a spare computer lying around I could use that on top of my main PC? Or am I way off the mark?

& Render farms are where you send the file over to someone who then renders it and sends it back for you. If this is the case it sounds perfect for me, although I've just been quoted £120 for a 1500 frame animation and 3 minutes a frame which wouldn't be cost effective for me.

I don't have multiple systems I can use to help me.

Thanks for any help