KeyShot for Geomagic Edition

Started by DriesV, January 30, 2014, 01:02:31 AM

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I'm pitching Geomagic Design to a colleague of mine who want to do some commercial solid modelling & drafting after his office hours.

Now, I just found out you can get an add-on for Geomagic:
KeyShot for Geomagic Edition
Sounds really interesting...
However, the info on the Geomagic website looks rather dated.

  • Is it based on the latest KeyShot version?
  • Is it integrated into Geomagic?
  • What does it do?



Hi Dries,
As you know GeoMagic was formerly known as Alibre Design - the name change came about after 3DSystems bought out Alibre.

It's not truly integrated - once you have a model in GMagic you have to 'export' it, start Keyshot, and 'open' or 'import' depending on how you saved it.
GM will export as a *.BIP file or *.STP, *.SAT, etc. so you have a number of options.

I think the included 'basic' version is quite limited in terms of render resolution - alpha channel, etc.

I use GMagic but I decided to buy Keyshot Pro direct from Luxion - the two seem to work well together.

You get a lot of bang for your buck with GM and there is a very active and helpful user forum. It's the first place to go for support and advice - some very knowledgeable people on there.
However, there is some concern about which way 3DS will take GM/Alibre - certainly  there is less communication and support from the parent company these days.

The attached brochure may be informative.


Quotecertainly  there is less communication and support from the parent company these days.

Yeah, the website is SO confusing too... ???
Thanks for the info! However, it's still not clear to me what KeyShot features are actually available in the GM version.
So far, I understand that it is the very same KeyShot software as regular versions, but the functionality is limited by the license.
Btw, I've seen that brochure. It is severely outdated and vague. :)



Maybe someone from Keyshot can put us in the picture...  ;)


It is outdated. The basic version is KeyShot with output resolution limited to 1024 by 768, no render button (only screenshot), and import only through the Alibre plugin.
The other version is identical to KeyShot HD, except that you can only import through Alibre.

Alibre is now Geomagic Design.