San Francisco de Asis Mission Church

Started by Speedster, January 27, 2014, 10:53:30 AM

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San Francisco de Asis Mission Church, Rancho de Taos, New Mexico.  Rear view of one of the most photographed buildings in North America, made famous by Georgia O'Keefe and Ansel Adams.  SolidWorks.  For 20" x 16" prints.
Bill G


I love the history lessons we get with your work.
It's a keeper in my book.


Needs some chem trails and comets in the sky. Just kidding. Nice work as always.


This building is great, can't help thinking George Lucas borrowed heavily from it for designing buildings on Tatooine. I love the 'dusk' lighting, really nice. A couple of points...

-I think the model need smacked about a bit in zbrush or mudbox, rough it up a bit!
-was looking at images online and there is quite a lot of boulders/rocks scattered about which would look good in your image.
- where the building meets the sand is too neat - would be nice if that could be less uniform, with a few weeds thrown in too?
-some stars in the sky would look pretty good too.


Thanks for the great comments, guys!  Actually, my goal for this series is to explore a purely abstract impression of the church (and other subjects), without any intent for photo-realism.  I wanted sharp shadows and light cutoffs, high contrast and a "snap impression", so to speak.  You cannot believe what these look like printed 20" x 16" on Brilliant (trade name) Museum Natural media! 

For a lot of my own gallery work I'm trying to break away from photo-realism, searching for a different vision and interpretation.  My main personal goal is to break my 40 year product design mindset, and explore form in a different direction.  I noticed this when I was rendering my antique automobiles.  After all the work modeling and rendering, so what?  I could just roll the real car out of my garage (I wish!) and photograph it.  There's no knowledge on the part of the viewer as to the long hours of research, modeling, rendering and post that is actually involved.  More importantly, the finished product does not carry the information that is inherent in a CAD model.

This new work has helped me immensely in my "real" product design, as I'm seeing shape/form/function is a new and refreshed manner.

Bill G


Finished up in FilterForge, one of my favorite apps, with just a little CS5.
Bill G