KeyShot VR - Pan with Downscale to Broser

Started by rosst, June 05, 2015, 07:23:30 AM

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Is it possible to enable 'Downscale to Browser' and also have the image be Pan-able with a KeyShotVR rendering?

As far as I've been able to get it (including messing with the code in the html files), it's an either/or situation.  Is there something we are doing wrong in the rendering process?  Is there something I can do as the developer to add this functionality if it is not native?

Thanks for any guidance,


Is it appropriate to bump this?

Our animations really need the downscaleToBrowser configuration for the application I've been developing, but the GM has expressed desire for panning ability numerous times.  It just seems there should be some means of accomplishing this goal (again, maybe I'm just overlooking something).



I got in contact with Luxion support and apparently the Pan capability I was experiencing was a browser/html feature and the discrepancy is from how the webkit interacts with static vs dynamic images.

It was suggested I create a jquery script or css to handle my needs.  Thus far I have been unsuccessful; my webkit-transform settings keep being overwritten by something.  It's up to the big-wigs if I'm given more time to solve this conundrum.

Thank you Luxion Support for the prompt response and assistance.


Hi Ross. I missed this on the forum. Since your support request, I've been looking into this further as well. If we find a solution for you, I'll post here.


Not a problem, Josh.  To be honest, I'm looking forward to potentially seeing a requested feature of mine in a future version.  Quite a fan of the output that our Engineers have been able to come up with using KeyShot.