Network Rendering Incorrectly

Started by cmindler, February 21, 2014, 11:34:50 AM

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We are running the latest version of keyshot floating as well as using network rendering and when sending images to through network rendering they rendering with missing parts of the image. It looks like small white hunks of the images are missing.  Please see attached.  It has been doing this with one of the updates along the way and fairly consistently.  We've re-set the servers that produce the renders.  All systems are up to date that are rendering.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Make sure that all the slaves are updated, and are running the same version. You can get the latest links from


Spoke to IT all are on the same version(upgraded at same time) 4.4.7 as well as my local machine. Also running Keyshot 4.3.18


Never trust IT ;-). Make sure that all the slaves have been restarted as well. You can also send us the scene and we will take a look to see what's going.


I can check again, but pretty sure he restarted all the slaves as well.  This happens with everything we send at it so not just one particular scene.  Were going to try cutting of the slaves and see if any of those are causing the issue.


You may want to make sure that the master has been restarted as well.


He assured me that they were all re-started.  We have just the master running, and I got one rendering out ok.  He's going to add the other two slaves (one at a time) and we'll see how that goes.  Not sure why it's working now, but also not complaining. Thank you for your help Thomas.  I'll let you know how it goes.


Even though you updated the slaves, they may not be completely up to date.  ???

if any of the exe's were still reunning at the time of the update, they were probably not overwritten, and you will have a mix of old and new.  All the services and progams need so be shut down before you run the new NR installer.

You can verify, by looking at the timestamps of you exe files in Keyshot4 Network Rendering (installation) folder on each slave. for 4.4.7 on Windows the dates should be 2/13/2014.


Well, we did a test.  With just the master up an image rendered fine.  With the Master up and adding a slave while into a rendering it was fine.  Doing another rendering with those two up it started to mess up with the white blocks.  With that slave off and the other one on it did the same thing.  Going back to having only the master on we were rendering fine again.  Any input would be great.  Gotta head out for weekend now though.

Brandon Davis

Hello Cmindler,

This is normally caused by an outdated slave being utilized during the rendering. Inside the KeyShot 4 Network Queue, if you select "Slave status", do any slaves show as outdated?

Which operating system are you using on the slave and CPU type?