Enviornment and Backplate Names

Started by jjeconomaki, March 31, 2011, 01:40:33 PM

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Under the Options menu it would be nice when either Environment or Backplates is selected, that the name of the current Environment or Backplate is listed.

Not knowing the name can be really time consuming when experimenting with different scenes.

Apologize if this has been mentioned before.



It's not the same thing, but if you float you mouse over either the image of the environment, or the "load" button it will show you the path and file name.

Took me until very recently to find that out. Hope that helps.



It would also be good if we could float the pointer over any given part in the model and get the assigned materials name displayed in a hint box.


Robert V.

related to the environments: some of the hdr thumbnails are very dark (black even), it would be nice if you could lighten them up a bit...