Orange fiberglas ball on a concrete floor: First render with KS5

Started by Esben Oxholm, June 04, 2014, 02:53:20 AM

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Esben Oxholm

Hi Guys.
Finally got my hands on KS5 and did a quick scene just to try it out.

The shadow quality and in particular the quality of the DoF, compared to the amazing render speed, is awesome!
I like it... and the Cloud library is really great implementet as well. In a year it's gonna be filled with amazing materials.

KeyShot 5. I like it :)


nice DOF, after just purchasing KS4  3 months ago I will need a feature that stands out before work would make the upgrade investment.. Darn! when you say faster render speed does this also apply in realtime rendering or just when you hit the render button?