Dusting off old model for KeyShot 5 - Land Yacht

Started by Magnus Skogsfjord, June 25, 2014, 07:31:57 AM

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Magnus Skogsfjord

Just got KeyShot 5, and decided to rerender an old model that me and and a couple of students modeled last year. A liiiittle bit lack of photoshop skills, but i think the end result was decent :) 

Driver model courtesy of Fateh Merrad.


Love it!

Cars pay the bills & space creatures/fantasy have their place, but virtual prototypes of near-real inventions/products will always be my favorite use of CG.  This is the perfect example.


+1, and great tire tracks- something we usually forget!
Bill G

Magnus Skogsfjord

Thanks guys!

Bill: I'm glad you noticed! Was my first time making tire tracks, so i believe this can be pushed way more. Was searching a lot for tutorials on the subject, but was hard to find something that suited my needs. The left track on the bottom image could use some more depth in my opinion.


Loved it the first time I saw it! Love it this time. I think the right track could move out a lil' though.

Magnus Skogsfjord

Quote from: josh3d on June 26, 2014, 06:28:45 AM
Loved it the first time I saw it! Love it this time. I think the right track could move out a lil' though.

Thanks Josh! Which track do you mean? The top image, right track, perhaps? A bit off on the perspective?


Magnus Skogsfjord

Tried to push it a bit more. I actually forgot a couple of tracks, given that it also has a wheel in the middle in the front.


These are sweet. Very fun images to look at. I can feel the speed. Modeling is really nice too.
Thanks for sharing

Magnus Skogsfjord

Quote from: feher on June 27, 2014, 04:18:30 PM
These are sweet. Very fun images to look at. I can feel the speed. Modeling is really nice too.
Thanks for sharing

Thanks Tim. Much appreciated!


These are very nice indeed, I think though (and it's just like, my opinion) - damp sand wouldn't give off dust like that, it's a bit heavy looking. You need more clumps as appose to dry dust clouds. Rons brushes are worth a look.

Magnus Skogsfjord

Quote from: mjb on June 30, 2014, 03:04:33 AM
These are very nice indeed, I think though (and it's just like, my opinion) - damp sand wouldn't give off dust like that, it's a bit heavy looking. You need more clumps as appose to dry dust clouds. Rons brushes are worth a look.
I was hoping to get some feedback on the photoshop job, as this is something I really need to work more with. Thanks! And I agree completely with your constructive feedback.

BTW: who is Ron, and where can I get his brushes? :p
