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Interior Anyone ?

Started by feher, June 27, 2014, 04:40:01 PM

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Hi Guys,
I did this interior with the whole vehicle on.Roof,Windows..etc The question always comes up if Keyshot can do interiors.
The answer is I used four IES Lights to give me some extra light in places.  Very little post work done in PS. I took time lighting this so I didn't have to....Just sayin.
If you have any questions please let me know.

Magnus Skogsfjord

This..this is flawless. The model impresses me just as much as the rendering. My questions would be too substantial to throw out here. Just wish I could create such geometry  presented here more easily with NX ;)

One minor material question: What kind of material do you have beneath the window controllers ?



Oh boy - stunned silence



Man, that looks so real I can almost smell the rich Corinthian leather !

Sorry, those under age 50 may need to Google that :)



I love it Tim. The subtle lighting makes the materials look rich and deep and I can almost smell the new car odour.


Thanks guys.
When I do interiors my goal is for the viewer to really feel the materials. I want them to feel they can reach in and touch it.
Magnus that piece your asking about is a wood inlay. Not a big fan of it. To me it feels out of place but it is what it is.

tip: When lighting an interior  work the dome to get you 95% of the way there.  Only use a few IES lights to add that extra pop.
IES lights are there to enhance not light a scene. The key to keep that realism is to use the HDR for the main lighting of the scene. If you tune off your dome and your scene does not changed then you used too many IES lights or they are too bright.
You don't want your IES lights to take over your HDR.
I hope that made sense.
Thanks again for all the support


Another masterpiece of Feher!!!
One of the best render I've ever seen.
You should do some tutorials related to IES light for realistic result.



I've been wanting to use the IES lights, but never know what to choose. Which ones do you use?

BTW, thanks for posting that fantastic industrial backdrop to the cloud! I've been using it for all sorts of furniture renders


Thanks buddy, Yea I really need to make some tip videos.

Glad to hear you are liking the background .
Hey if you give me a KSP of that scene I'll add some IES lights and send it back. That way you can see how I might go about placing some in.
Let me know.




This is just sick, makes my Jag D Type look amature. The crispness is beautiful - what do you have your AA set at?

As Bronson said you really need to do some interior rendering tuts.

Awsome works as always.
