Fluid simulation /animation rendered in KeyShot 5

Started by Despot, July 01, 2014, 05:18:58 AM

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Hey Chaps,

Did the actual simulation years ago... went back and rendered an .OBJ sequence and then began the laborious task of rendering this frame by frame (hence no Motion Blur) - used a stock HDR of mine for lighting and a black paint material.

Messed up a couple of times when building this, due to my incompetence, so I had to repeat a few frames, but got there in the end

Really, really, really wish Luxion would introduce an .OBJ sequence importer and/or start supporting mesh deformation - because I tell you I'm not doing this again, too much hard work !!

Thanks for looking




That is seriously good hand animation J, you have more stamina than me :)



animated fluid is manually ? or did you use another program ?


Thanks Martin, but this was not 'hand animated', rather it's a simulation from another package...



Understood J - you exported frame by frame the geometry, that still sucks .... Can't wait for AutoDesk to get their act together and export the FBX as a fully animated scene with deformations and all and then have the programmers API available for all of them lovely features so we can get some cracking good quality renders out of KS



HA, this is cool. You render this one frame at a time ?
Very nice work. You need to put all these little animation together and make a reel.
Thanks for sharing.