No Edge Rounding With Nurbs Import?

Started by Robb63, June 06, 2014, 04:36:53 AM

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I just noticed that if I use the Rhino plugin and import as "Nurbs", that "Rounded Edges" is not available. Is that something that may comeback, or just won't be possible if you are using Nurbs import?


Totally different animal. You don't have polygons with NURBS. We may be able to do something in the future.


When importing NURBS, rounded edges aren't available in poly mode either.
I would suspect this to be possible?




We left this out on purpose when NURBS are present. Because if you apply rounded edges in poly-mode and the switch to NURBS mode, these rounded edges are gone. We are trying to avoid this confusion.


I thought the point of "nurbs" mode was to be able to tailor the quality of the models you bring in by creating the mesh within Keyshot rather than relying on the original CAD program's mesh creation.

The point being: aren't we always, always seeing a shaded mesh when we look at geometry on a screen, as that is what the video card has to process to do the shading? Nurbs are just the underlying math of surface description equations. A shading mesh is generated on top this geometry by your video card to see these equations. So can't the rounding algorithm still work on this mesh that has to be there anyway? Or am I completely misunderstanding how this stuff gets done.


With NURBS import KeyShot can use the NURBS data directly without any mesh. You can keep zooming in and see a smooth surface. We use some pretty sophisticated and unique algorithms to enable this as NURBS ray tracing traditionally has been too slow and prone to numerical issues.

Unfortunately, rounding edges is significantly more complicated with NURBS, and we are looking into new ways to support this functionality.


Looking Forward to see this solve in the coming versions of KS.