Animate object bending software

Started by eddiemg, July 14, 2014, 05:27:04 AM

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Huge keyshot animation fan, but sometimes clients ask to animate an object to bend or organically animate beyond keyshot's capabilities. I know this is no longer a Keyshot question, but anyone with a recommendation on the simplest, easiest to learn animation software that has the capability to morph, bend, twist, do organic animations like that? Can anyone vouch for MODO for stuff like this? Or, keyshot users, how have you dealt with this issue? I've always had to cut corners, but it'd be great to animate the "real" way.


I had a client ask me to do this three years ago.  I still have no idea.


Hi Eddie & Cash, this is doable to a degree. You can do basic movement from point a to point b via a spline curve even and the save the model as an FBX with export animation set. Sadly deformations like stretch or twist do not get supported. So even if you do generate an animation with those effects, you would still struggle to render them with KS.

If you are on OS X then Cheetah3D is the cheapest platform to learn with at just $99 it's hard to beat, and the render engine is pretty quick too.
