Scene Sets

Started by multitech, November 06, 2014, 05:59:42 AM

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Hi Guys,

I don't have KS 5 Pro and I have not seen a demo of Scene Sets to know if this is a feature I've been waiting for.   What I need is the ability to record what parts are visibly on or off for each rendering.  For example, I use KeyShot to create disassembly instructions and I need five renderings to show five steps of the disassembly process.  Each step shows the model assembly in different levels of disassembly.  If I'm on step 5, and I need to fix something back at step 2, I have to remember the scene tree state for each step.  When I have 1000 or more parts in the Scene Tree, this can be very confusing.  So I'm hoping Scene Sets retains the visibility state of the model parts for each rendering.  Can someone explain Scene Sets or refer me to a video or webinar that details how to use Scene Sets?


Mike  8)


Yes - it does. You can also link a different camera angle and/or viewset to each scene set.


Can somebody please remind me how to create a scene set in v5.1 - I just can't see the option anywhere?


If you have KeyShot Pro:
Scroll down in your scene tree. Right click on scene set and create a new one. This one becomes active. Then do whatever you want: hide parts, explode them etc.. And assign view sets if you want.