Keyshot Cloud not downloading materials

Started by Chris Rosewarne, October 27, 2014, 01:22:39 AM

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Chris Rosewarne

Hi everyone, I've used the Keyshot Cloud previously for downloading some great new materials and HDRIs, but for some reason when I now click to download a material, I see the progress bar in my materials window then once it gets to 100% it just disappears, no thing there, I looked in the KS5 material/downloads and its not there either, only the previously downloaded ones.

I've signed in and out a couple times but still no joy - any thoughts?



Morten Kristensen

Hello Chris,

Which resources have you tried downloading? Is it only a few selected or are you unable to download all resources?
Could you try downloading different resource types and names?
Oh and does the log say anything?


Chris Rosewarne

I was initially trying to download some new materials but tried an HDRi now and the same thing happens, download wheel appears and when its gets to 100% it disappears. Nothing on the log in window, I had to reset my password as I forgot it but no issues other than that..... Frustrating as there are some sweet new materials on there, anyway to download the files to the desktop then import?



Morten Kristensen

Can you tell me which resources this happens for? (I just need an example)
No, not directly yet.



Are you on a Mac or PC? I assume that this is a permissions issue where the download folder can't be created.