Formula: ALT-Class 2, 2500 "Land Shark"

Started by edwardo, November 30, 2014, 06:07:37 AM

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Hello folks, I was gonna wait until I was somewhat finished this project before posting. Im about half way through I guess and thought "what the heck".

Its one of a couple of sic-fi 'speeder' things Im working on in tandem. Acoustically levitated, turbine driven, class-2 speeders, this one is (provisionally) called the Land Shark. I'v built a bit of a back story (which I won't go into now) that should help steer some of the 'action' shots later on.

Im trying to develop a new workflow, whereby I jump back and forth from 3D to 2D. This image is an intermediate one, where the body work is a quick keyshot from some un-detailed surfaces, and the (quasi) mechanical stuff below is all photoshop sketch work. Its a quick way to rough in some detail (split lines, decals etc on the bodywork), and to get started on some of the mech detailing, which will hopefully pay off when I come round to modelling it in 3D.

Still so, so, so much to do.


Interesting concept Edwardo - Will be watching with interest to see ho it evolves



The great Industrial Designer Henry Dreyfus once said "Contemporary is simply the updating of the Traditional".  This concept is so cool, in that it captures the heyday of racing, but way in the future.  Really classic, and we can hardly wait to see where you take it!  What CAD are you using?  You mention split lines, so maybe SolidWorks? And where did you get the driver???
Bill G


Thanks Martin. I don't think its going to 'evolve' so much as just be refined and detailed. Im pretty happy with the general form, and it looks right from almost all angles when I spin it about in cad. But still to do a bunch of detailing on the body work; finalise all the mech parts and detail them; finalise the interior and model it properly; model a driver (which involves me finally getting round to learning Zbrush properly!). A bit daunting.

Bill, you made my day - you've picked up on exactly what I was hoping to convey. To be honest this project just started because I wanted an excuse to render out some OTT motors and get some juicy shots of body scoops, grills, fenders, exhaust headers etc etc. Iv been inspired, in particular, by various roadsters and other things that you have posted, and that fantastic big merc SS roadster that Volkan posted recently. I had been wanting to do something similar for a while, i just didn't know what, or where to start, or why!. So i opted for fiction rather than something that could be reality. Visual cues and overall feel are inspired from various racing eras (late 50's through to mid 70's). Jackie Stewarts Lotus, AC cobra, old Astons, Audi Union typeA... the list goes on of cars that helped shape my thoughts. I was even looking at planes too, a bit.

I wasn't so much thinking of "...way in the future" but more of an 'alternate reality 1970's' that was more technologically advanced than ours was, largely due to the development of acoustic levitation during WW2. Other than that i have been inspired by the style and way of life of cafe racing in the 60's. Whatever it is, its not strictly legal, and Steve McQueen likes a bit of it!

To answer your questions Bill: Im using Rhino Beta on mac (no plugins of any kind) and finally getting round to modelling properly (used G4 curves for the first time ever!). And I got the driver on t'internet - its just an image photoshopped in. Im planning on using a Daz studio model and then detailing it up in zbrush, and possibly marvellous designer to cloth it.

Thanks chaps


Definitely looking forward to this Ed. Looks incredible already.


Thanks Josh. In the meantime take a look at the work of Daniel Simon ( - Im loving the way he builds a bit of a story around his concepts, so I'm trying to do something similar, except (as I'm really glad Bill picked up on) get a bit of a retro 'golden era of racing' feel into it. But this involves spending as much time on the character/driver as the vehicle, and maybe even some sets and props (pit/garage/showroom). Time to start learning Zbrush properly  :-\


Looking really nice! Looks like you're going tho have some fun with this model.
It's a keeper


Thanks Tim. Think the fun parts over unfortunately - its pretty tedious modelling tiny mech details in rhino (or any nurbs package). Wish i knew how to do all that in Zbrush or similar - its amazing seeing people just 'stamp' on details from brushes they've made previously.

Anyway, thanks for the comments. I'll be checking out all your tutorials / webinars when I get round to doing final renders (still haven't done any automotive stuff to any finished level). I really like how you use IES lights so subtly... I'll have a bit of that!

Here are some more early shots. Suggestions on a postcard of what car/style I should base my front grill on...
