Why [Unlink Material] and [dragging material] don't work !?

Started by ehsun3d, December 20, 2014, 11:00:23 PM

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Can somebody help me with these issues plz?

I select the scene after importing it from maya in the properties window and then I click on the [Unlink Material] button but it doesn't work and when I apply a new material , the material applies to the whole scene!

Also why my drag and drop option is not working when I search for a material in the Library and drag and drop it on an object ?! I\ve tried it with Ctrl and Alt but still no difference happens to the scene !!

By the way I'm an AMD user too.

This problem has been disgusted before and apparently there has been no solution for it yet . It'll be great if somebody who knows how to fix this, help us with it as well please.


Hello ehsun3d,

When you click "unlink materials" make sure the top level of your model is selected in the scene tree. When you attempt to DnD do you see a preview of the material at all? What version of KeyShot are you running? Are you on a mac or windows machine? Please make sure your graphics card driver is up to date.



Thanks for replying Rex.

I use windows 8.1 with an AMD processor motherboard.

Yes I select the model in the model tree as well,  otherwise the [unlink material] button wouldn't show up under that section .

and Yes, I see the material preview in the list of the materials on the left of the working area. I grab a material and DnD it on an object and nothing changes.

I'm using Keyshot 5 and I just updated it to 5.1.66 but still having the same problems .  :-\


Ok this is something support will have to help you with. Can you contact support@luxion.com outlining the issue with your KeyShot version, OS, specs, etc.
