Keyshot cloud material not applying correctly

Started by Chris Rosewarne, January 05, 2015, 01:56:30 AM

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Chris Rosewarne

Hi guys, I previously had an issue with downloads from the cloud which turned out to be a permissions issue in my folders, so correcting that solved the problem, however I now see that with some materials (pockmarked concrete for example) when I apply it I only get the colour info, any textures photo or otherwise are absent, the material icon itself is all there, its just not apply to my geometry correctly....

I'm running a MacBook Pro retina display, OS 10.9.5




Brandon Davis

Would you mind sending me a list of the full names and creator of all the materials that you are experiencing this issue with? Also, which version of KeyShot are you using?

// Brandon

Chris Rosewarne

I can't see the creator names but you can find them by title:

-Cobbled path
-Winchester Sand-40732

I'm using KS version 5.1.66

Brandon Davis

All seemed to have worked fine for me.

Can you email support (at) for assistance? Please send them the log inside of KeyShot (Help / Log), if any errors are shown when applying the material to geometry.